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Shingle Viewer

A new roof is a substantial purchase that will adorn your home for decades. Choosing the right shingle can be challenging. Sample boards are a good starting point, but nothing compares to seeing the shingles you’re considering live and in person on a home similar to your own. That’s why Ridgecon provides homeowners with a comprehensive listing of homes where we’ve installed new roofs in the recent past.  

  1. Selecting the shingle brand you’d like to see
  2. Select the shingle style(s) you’d like to see
  3. Select the color(s) you’d like to see. 

Ridgecon's Shingle Showcase will display beautiful images of the shingles on real homes. From that list, you’re just a click away from mapping nearby homes featuring the shingle brands, styles and colors you’ve selected.*

*Ridgecon recommends visiting multiple homes displaying the shingle you’ve selected. When you use Ridgecon’s Shingle Showcase, you may find that actual home conditions differ from the Shingle Showcase results' stated shingle brand, style or color. If the shingle on the home does not appear to match the sample board or online photos, it is possible that the home has changed since our record of work. Please exercise your independent judgement. Ridgecon accepts no responsibility for shingle choice.